Vol. 14 No. 27 (2024): Continuità e discontinuità nella digitalizzazione del lavoro e delle organizzazioni
Open Essays and Researches

Diventare padri, rimanere padri. Le maschilità in famiglia e nella coppia attraverso due casi di studio

Paolo Gusmeroli
Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia
Vulca Fidolini
Université de Lorraine, France

Published 2024-05-27


  • Masculinities,
  • Fatherhood,
  • Parenting,
  • Family practices,
  • Transitions

How to Cite

Gusmeroli, P., & Fidolini, V. (2024). Diventare padri, rimanere padri. Le maschilità in famiglia e nella coppia attraverso due casi di studio. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 14(27), 149–161. https://doi.org/10.36253/cambio-15530


Our contribution aims to interpret contemporary transformations of masculinities by focusing on different life course transitions linked to fatherhood. We draw on two recent studies conducted with qualitative methods (biographical in-depth interviews). In the first case study, conducted in France, we explore the narratives of heterosexual men who are becoming fathers and express their expectations about their future family life. In the second, conducted in Italy, we consider the narratives of men who, after having become fathers within heterosexual relationships, come out as gay or bisexual in their family network and manage a family break-up. Despite their differences, in both case studies we focus on how men transit from one to another representation of masculinity in relation to fatherhood, shading light on the relevant role played by heteronormative scripts and naturalization of the primary caring role attributed to their (ex) partners. By analyzing both cases, we also discuss the reproduction of rather traditional ideas of “good” fatherhood, represented as a normative model and as a binding social obligation.