Aestimum 65 (2014)
Original Articles - Appraisal and rural economics

Il mercato dei diritti d’impianto dei vigneti nel Veneto

Published 2015-02-06


The paper represents a pioneering study of market for vineyard planting rights. Based on two ad hoc surveys, it is aimed at identifying the characteristics of demand, supply and prices for planting rights in Veneto Region since first transactions (1995) to 2007. Results give a picture of a highly heterogeneous market, showing significant changes not only in prices. The use of cluster analysis have made possible to find out the presence of local market segmentation. Thanks to a demand, which grew faster than local supply, prices increased sharply until 2004; then a quick downturn followed. A wide gap exists between maximum and minimum price in the same zone combined with strong spatial price variability among and within provinces.


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