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  • Journal of Emerging Perspectives
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  • L'ospite ingrato
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  • Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID)
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  • Acta Herpetologica
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  • Advances in Horticultural Science
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  • Bio-based and Applied Economics
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  • Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete
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  • Aestimum
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  • Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici
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  • Media Education
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  • Cambio. Rivista sulle Trasformazioni Sociali
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  • Restauro Archeologico
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  • Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES)
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  • Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare
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  • TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment
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  • Storia delle Donne
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  • Wine Economics and Policy
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  • Ri-Vista. Research for landscape architecture
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  • Phenomenology and Mind
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  • Studi Slavistici
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  • Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali
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  • Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione
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  • Webbia
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