A New Chapter Begins: Welcoming Our Editorial Team


We are at an exciting juncture in the journey of the ‘Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale’ (QOE) / ‘Italian Journal of Electoral Studies’ (IJES). The Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali (SISE) is delighted to announce the re-appointment of Prof. Silvia Bolgherini (University of Perugia) and Prof. Paolo Bellucci (University of Siena) as our new Co-Editors for the 2024-2026 term.

The QOE/IJES, a journal that has withstood the test of time and has recently undergone a significant rebranding, is now not only a prestigious platform in electoral studies but also a Scopus-indexed, Class A rated journal by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and ANVUR. This recognition is a testament to the high-calibre research and scholarly discourse that we foster.

In addition to our new Co-Editors, we are honoured to welcome an exemplary editorial committee: Gianfranco Baldini, Rossella Borri, Luca Carrieri, Marino De Luca, Selena Grimaldi, Aldo Paparo, Fabio Serricchio, and Federico Trastulli. This diverse and skilled team will undoubtedly enrich our editorial process, ensuring the continuation of publishing cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research.

At QOE/IJES, we remain committed to being a platform that nurtures both established and emerging voices in the social science community. Our open-access policy and the involvement of guest editors for special issues are just a few ways we are expanding our reach and inclusivity.

As we embark on this new chapter, we invite our readers, contributors, and the academic community at large to join us in supporting our new leadership. The future of QOE/IJES looks brighter than ever, and we are eager to explore the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Let's extend a warm welcome to Prof. Silvia Bolgherini and Prof. Paolo Bellucci, and wish them the very best in leading QOE/IJES to even greater heights.

Stay tuned to our blog and newsletter for updates on our upcoming issues, calls for papers, and insights into the world of electoral studies.