Instructions for Authors

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions not adhering to these guidelines may be returned to authors.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • Anonymization! PLEASE, make sure that the article file is anonymized and does not contain any information identifying the author(s)!
  • To streamline the submission process, QOE-IJES offers a free-Format submission system. Upon acceptance, the reference section must be formatted according to the APA system of referencing. Please send a 1,5 or double-spaced text and number the pages.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Tables and figures may be embedded in the text, or sent separately. In this case, the main document must clearly indicate the point where to include them. Figures must include the data sources (in .xls or .jpeg format), and must be also provided in black and white for the printed version.
  • Please provide URLs for the references, when appropriate.

Author Guidelines 

1. Research Articles

All papers must be original or should not be submitted, under review, or published in other scientific journals. Papers may be submitted in English or Italian.

Please make sure that the article file is anonymized and does not contain any information identifying the author(s).

Data on the Authors (affiliation, ORCID, etc..) must be provided in the Author Profile section on the website when submitting the paper.

Articles must be submitted using the Make a Submission button (previous registration to the OJS platform is needed).

Word limit. Articles should be 10,000 words max. in length (including footnotes and references, excluding tables and figures). Please include a word count. The abstract should be 300 words max. Texts shorter than 6,000 words are encouraged to be submitted as Research Notes. 

Formatting and Templates. Pages must be 1,5 or double-spaced and numbered. Tables and figures must be embedded in the main text (they can also be sent in separate files). In this case, the main document must clearly indicate the point where to include them (for instance, [Table 1 about here]). Figures must include the data sources (in .xls or .jpeg format). While figures can be published in color online, they must be provided in black and white for the printed version.

References. To streamline the submission process, QOE-IJES offers free-Format reference submission. Upon acceptance, the reference section must be formatted according to the APA referencing system. 

Funding details. Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies.

1. Cover Page:

  • all author(s)' full names, affiliations, and ORCiDs. If you wish, you may also include social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn).
  • contact details for the corresponding author.

2. Main document (Article):

  • title of the article 
  • abstract of max. 300 words 
  • Graphical abstract (optional). This is an image to give readers a clear idea of the content of your article. Save the graphical abstract as a .jpg, .png, or .tiff. Please save it as a separate additional file.
  • 3-6 Keywords 
  • the full article including references - please make sure that the article file is anonymized and does not contain any information identifying the author(s)

3. Supplementary Material (e.g. Appendix).


2. Research Notes

The Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES-QOE) is pleased to accept submissions for a “Research Notes” section. Research Notes are short works of original scholarship. These brief contributions will appear in the online version of the Journal. The submissions will be limited to max 6,000 words and follow the formatting guidelines laid out in the instructions to authors.  Notes are refereed and subject to the same high standards applied to Articles.

The Editorial Team encourages authors to submit original papers with a more limited scope than articles and relevant extensions or replications of previous research. The goal of this section is to promote the dissemination of ideas and findings that would otherwise be ignored. In light of a growing body of research about publication bias, the Editorial Team has elected to provide authors with an opportunity to submit high-quality work that makes narrower contributions to existing electoral studies’ areas of research.

Authors who have questions about the suitability of their submission for the Research Notes section are encouraged to contact the Journal at

Please login or register into QOE-IJES website to submit your Research Note:


3. Special Issue Proposals

The Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (QOE-IJES) invites scholars to submit Special Issue Proposals. The purpose of the special issue is to provide collection of articles on a specific topic of electoral studies (elections and voting, public opinion, political behavior, party studies in Italy and beyond), from the perspective of political science. We plan to consider proposals for special issue on electoral studies of highest quality throughout the year. The QOE-IJES is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes twice a year, published by Florence University Press. The Journal aims at publishing high-quality original papers from both Italian and international scholars, with the aim to further becoming a major outlet of electoral studies. For any inquiry, please contact the Journal at

Information for proposals

The format of a Special Issue proposal should contain the following information (see Special Issues Template):

  1. An abstract explaining the topic and its relevance to the journal
  2. A brief presentation of the Guest Editors.
  3. A proposed call-for-papers.
  4. List of potential reviewers.
  5. A time schedule including submission deadline and completion of the editorial process.

You can download the Special Issues Template here.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.