V. 1 (2005): Concepire Generare Nascere

Salute delle donne e procreazione medicalmente assistita

Pubblicato 2005-11-01

Come citare

Rossi, A. M. (2005). Salute delle donne e procreazione medicalmente assistita. Storia Delle Donne, 1(1), 39–59. https://doi.org/10.13128/SDD-2023


Pregnancy and delivery are associated with several adverse consequences for women’s health, but the risks are even higher for women undergoing treatments with assisted reproduction technologies (ART). The main risks concern multiple gestation, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and extrauterine pregnancy. These conditions can have severe consequences, potentially precluding future pregnancies and even resulting life threatening for mother and child. The risk of delivering a child with congenital malformations and of transmitting genetic abnormalities to the future generations is also increased and genetic diagnosis is recommended to prevent birth defects.


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