V. 1 (2005): Concepire Generare Nascere
…e passato

Madri ebree e diritti sui figli in età moderna. Alle radici storiche di una questione contemporanea

Pubblicato 2005-11-01

Come citare

Caffiero, M. (2005). Madri ebree e diritti sui figli in età moderna. Alle radici storiche di una questione contemporanea. Storia Delle Donne, 1(1), 159–167. https://doi.org/10.13128/SDD-2019


Basing on specific history cases, the essay shows that the condition and the nature of the “not-yet-born” were considered by the Catholic Church, up to the end of the Nineteenth century and even further, as not independent from the mother’s body. The foetus was supposed to be entirely dependent from, and embedded in the maternal body: that is as portio of it. It was not conceived as a full citizen. The contemporary positions of the Catholic Church are therefore the result of the modern historical evolution. They are rather cultural construction then absolute truth.


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