V. 1 (2005): Concepire Generare Nascere
Oltre il tema

Segreti. Uno studio semantico sulla mistica femminile medievale

Pubblicato 2005-11-01

Come citare

Keller, H. E. (2005). Segreti. Uno studio semantico sulla mistica femminile medievale. Storia Delle Donne, 1(1), 201–220. https://doi.org/10.13128/SDD-2024


This study argues that the communication of and in mystical texts is closely bound to a rhetoric of space, to distinctions between inside and outside, and to structures that allow initiates to convey their secretly aquired knowledge in visions and autobiographical texts. The MHG term heimelîch is identified as a keyword for the communication and the relationship between God and the human being. Moreover, this eroticized concept proves inseparable from the concept of a birthing God, an idea which in turn has poetological implications: the texts themselves are seen as participating in the birth of the Word; incarnation and literary communication become synonymous.


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