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Published 2024-01-29
How to Cite
Enrietti, M. (2024). Morava of Pannonia Again. Notwithstanding Chrabr. Studi Slavistici, 20(2), 257–265.
Copyright (c) 2024 Mario Enrietti

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Constantine-Cyril began to write Slavonic by adapting the Greek alphabet – which we could call ‘Constantinian’, not yet ‘Cyrillic’ – because, despite what Chrabr claims, the Greek cultural tradition and avoiding the accusation of heresy was more important than phonetics. Only in Morava of Pannonia did he create the Glagolitic alphabet due to disagreements with the Latin clergy. In Morava, as previously in Thessaloniki, the proto-Slavic groups *tj, *kti, *dj were pronounced t’, d’ and the appropriate signs were created.
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