Studi Slavistici II • 2005

Il “raddoppiamento dell’oggetto” in bulgaro: tra descrizione e prescrizione (2)

Published 2005-12-01

How to Cite

Tomelleri, V. S. (2005). Il “raddoppiamento dell’oggetto” in bulgaro: tra descrizione e prescrizione (2). Studi Slavistici, 2(1), 195–218.


The so-called Celtic Doubling in Bulgarian: Between a descriptive and a prescriptive analysis

The article deals with the problem of the C(litic) D(oubling) in the modern Bulgarian language from a didactic perspective. The mean point can be formulated as the following question: How is the syntactic construction under discussion described and/or explained in the grammars and handbooks of Bulgarian? The results of the investigated material and presented examples clearly show that CD, as a syntactic device which is more common in the spoken language, cannot receive an useful and valuable treatment in the traditional, written language oriented literature devoted to the Bulgarian language.