Studi Slavistici XII • 2015
Materiali e discussioni

For the 85th Anniversary of the Croatian Priest, Theologian, Historian, Philologist, Translator and Poet Ivan Golub

Published 2016-02-12

How to Cite

Ferluga-Petronio, F. (2016). For the 85th Anniversary of the Croatian Priest, Theologian, Historian, Philologist, Translator and Poet Ivan Golub. Studi Slavistici, 12, 369–375.


Ivan Golub was born in Kalinovac in Croatia on 21st June 1930. He graduated in theology at the University of Zagreb in 1958 and obtained a PHD from Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian University with a dissertation on Juraj Križanić. Over the last few decades Golub has successfully dedicated himself to metaphysical poetry in Croatian, Latin and Kajkavian dialect. Golub is the author of more than 250 works: essays, studies and translations


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