Studi Slavistici XIII • 2016

Fëdor Dostoevskij interpretato da Tat’jana Rozental’. Un’anticipazione di Freud

Published 2017-03-18

How to Cite

Lelli, I., & Zalambani, M. (2017). Fëdor Dostoevskij interpretato da Tat’jana Rozental’. Un’anticipazione di Freud. Studi Slavistici, 13(1), 115–142.


Tat’jana Rozental’s essay on Dostoevsky’s creativity, shows how strong the interplay between art, literature and psychoanalysis was in Russia at the beginning of the xx century. The rapid diffusion of Freudian method is not only due to the peculiarities of Russian culture, which was ready to embrace the new psychoanalytic discourse, but also to the fact that Russian psychoanalysts turn to literature to spread their ideas. Rozental’s article (likewise many other works of early Russian psy-choanalysts) suggests that the literary centrism of Russian culture may have served as a vehicle for the rapid spread of Freud’s new discipline in Russia. Besides, Rozental’s essay suggests a possible influence that she may have exercised on Freud’s Dostoevsky and Parricide. Studying the interplay between Dostoevsky’s literary work and his own disease she attempts to classify the writer’s illness as “hystero-epilepsy” (and not organic epilepsy), thereby anticipating Freud’s own hypothesis.