No. 24 (2022): Housing Renovation
Research and Experimentation

The Requalification of contemporary cultural heritage: the case of Author’s Urban Peripheries

Silvia Nigro
Dipartimento di Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell’Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma

Published 2022-07-26


  • Public housing,
  • Poetics of great dimension,
  • Author’s declination,
  • Integrated requalification,
  • Contemporary cultural heritage

How to Cite

Nigro, S. (2022). The Requalification of contemporary cultural heritage: the case of Author’s Urban Peripheries. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (24), 127–135.


The research focuses on the criteria and solutions of technological-environmental intervention for contemporary cultural heritage and in particular for public housing with the Author’s declination. The proposed methodology, through the analysis of works carried out and the main approaches, the identification of the typical programmatic aspects, the deduction of guidelines for a conscious and compatible design and the definition of an evaluation protocol of the solutions implemented through indicators, aims to provide a decision-making and operational tool through which to guide the choices of the designers and administrations involved, in the different phases and at the different scales of the project.
