Published 2023-05-30
- Enabling technologies,
- Energy transition,
- Social housing,
- Predictive tool,
- Building-user interaction
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jacopo Gaspari, Ernesto Antonini, Lia Marchi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Housing plays a key role in the world path to energy transition, and retrofitting buildings is a major asset to this end. Unfortunately, despite the supporting measures and incentives promoted in many countries, the renovation rate is still too slow. This is even more complex within some specific assets, such as social housing, which, especially in Italy, depends on the availability of public funds. The study proposes a predictive tool conceived as an enabler in the decision-making process, capable of considering and comparing the performance levels that different retrofitting actions can reach, according to building features, intervention costs, timing, and resource availability. The tool is tested on a social housing case study in Bologna.
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