Between architecture and democracy. A conversation with Salvatore Settis Maria Cristina Forlani, Salvatore Settis 37-39 PDF
The anthropocene style. The space of participation and the language of architecture Sara Marini 46-50 PDF
Medium-small sized art cities and culture-led development: Can we look ahead and not behind? Pierluigi Sacco 51-57 PDF
Environmental design for social inclusion: the role of environmental certification protocols Erminia Attaianese, Antonio Acierno 76-87 PDF
Self-sustainability of the post-colonial North Africa habitat between individual and collective spheres Carlo Atzeni, Silvia Mocci 88-96 PDF
The Urban Innovative Actions Initiative of the European Union: a Critical Analysis of the Selected Projects Alessandra Barresi 97-104 PDF
Connecting Cultures, Strategies for the Best Use of Diversity Cristiana Cellucci, Michele Di Sivo 105-115 PDF
From INA-Casa to Social Housing. But what kind of innovation are we talking about? Anna Delera 116-124 PDF
Collaborative living: social cohesion trajectories for a new community welfare Giordana Ferri, Angela Silvia Pavesi, Marta Gechelin, Rossana Zaccaria 125-138 PDF
Urban regeneration as an opportunity of social innovation and creative planning in urban peripheries Gabriella Pultrone 139-146 PDF
Strategy for better performance in spontaneous building Adolfo Baratta, Laura Calcagnini, Fabrizio Finucci, Antonio Magarò, Henry Molina, Hector Saul Quintana Ramirez 158-167 PDF
Light on Vallette, Turin. Urban Regeneration Project for the neighborhood’s central area Maria Luisa Barelli, Paola Gregory 168-178 PDF
Homes for homeless. Design guidelines for night shelters Cristian Campagnaro, Roberto Giordano 179-187 PDF
Inclusive experiences of urban regeneration: abandoned barracks in the suburbs of Udine Christina Conti, Giovanni La Varra, Livio Petriccione, Giovanni Tubaro 188-199 PDF
Territories of culture between regeneration and social innovation. An Italian experimentation Francesca Daprà, Viola Fabi 200-208 PDF
Observatory P.A.R.C.O. Characterizations for the environmental quality indoor Alberto De Capua, Valeria Ciulla 209-217 PDF
Collaborative platforms for social innovation projects. The Miramap case in Turin Francesca De Filippi, Cristina Coscia, Grazia Cocina 218-225 PDF
Creative interactions between places and communities: experiences of reactivating inland areas Katia Fabbricatti 226-233 PDF
From the Management of Refugee Reception to a Model of Inclusive City for Migrant and Hosting Communities Celestina Fazia 234-240 PDF
Regeneration of shared self-managed spaces: the case study of Tor Bella Monaca in Rome Tiziana Ferrante, Teresa Villani, Pierluigi Cervelli 241-251 PDF
Adaptive technologies and co-design strategies for historic spaces rehabilitation Jacopo Gaspari, Andrea Boeri, Valentina Gianfrate, Danila Longo 252-259 PDF
Ina-Casa La Fiorita. A system for the shared regeneration of social housing Lia Marchi, Elisabetta Palumbo, Ambra Lombardi, Ernesto Antonini 260-270 PDF
Collective Self-Organised Housing: methods, procedures and tools for new buildings and retrofit Emanuele Piaia, Roberto Di Giulio, Rizal Sebastian, Ton Damen 276-284 PDF
SNAP House. Temporary residential module for refugees in Europe Andrea Rebecchi, Alessandro Mapelli, Marta Pirola, Stefano Capolongo 285-294 PDF
Analysis of the flows and of the factors that impact the accessibility and identity of public spaces Ilenia Maria Romano, Luca Marzi, Nicoletta Setola, Maria Chiara Torricelli 295-308 PDF
Building environments for an ageing society. Surveying tools and intervention strategies Rossella Roversi, Fabrizio Cumo, Luca Gugliermetti, Elisa Pennacchia, Giorgio Pavan 309-318 PDF
Age-friendly cities: public and private space Daniela Bosia, Yu Zhang, Francesca Thiebat, Lorenzo Savio 319-327 PDF
Emergency: innovative prefabricated construction components for an eco-solidarity architecture Adriana Sferra 328-334 PDF
Innovative processes and management in the social reactivation and environmental regenerative project Gianpiero Venturini, Raffaella Riva 343-351 PDF
Community-based adaptation measures for Water Sensitive Urban Design in context of socio-environmental vulnerability Cristina Visconti 352-361 PDF
Borella, G. (Ed.), Colin Ward: Architettura del dissenso. Forme e pratiche alternative dello spazio urbano Francesca Scalisi 375-377 PDF
Marino, G. (Ed.), Franz Graf: Les dispositifs du confort dans l’architecture du XXe siècle: connaissance et stratégies de sauvegarde Paola Ascione 378-379 PDF
Ginelli, E. (Ed.): L’orditura dello spazio pubblico. Per una città di vicinanze Federica Ottone 380-382 PDF
Between technological innovation and social innovation: a new design and process dimension Jacopo Gaspari, Maurizio Busacca 362-368 PDF