Published 2023-05-30
- Capacitating Technologies,
- User Experience,
- Living Lab,
- Advanced Simulation,
- Human Technology Interaction
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Copyright (c) 2023 Annapaola Vacanti, Niccolò Casiddu, Claudia Porfirione

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The paper describes the development of Living Hub: a laboratory for research, experimentation and training based on the Living Lab model, integrated with the use of the Simulation technique, to optimise the study of the interaction between people, environments, and technology. The lab aims to support the design of capacitating technologies and responsive environments that can adapt to the needs of their users, with reference to the home context. Located in Liguria, a region with the highest rate of ageing in the world, Living Hub focuses experimentation on innovative models for the care of the frail through different levels of scalar/modular integration of enabling technologies in the built environment.
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