Published 2023-10-31
- Housing,
- Environmental Awareness,
- Energy Efficiency,
- Energy Citizenship,
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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Copyright (c) 2023 Chiara Tonelli, Giuliana Nardi, Barbara Cardone

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Ecological transition requires a significant change in the construction industry, which is responsible for 40% of final energy consumption. In Italy, residential buildings account for more than 27% of energy consumption, 12 out of 14 million. Their renovation is, therefore, an important objective to achieve a sustainable built environment. However, a drastic reduction in energy demand is also needed in residential buildings, as widespread ownership does not allow comprehensive control of domestic consumption. Hence the importance that dwellers understand the direct link between their actions and climate change so that efficiency efforts are not in vain. The paper identifies in artificial intelligence an educational tool on energy citizenship.
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