No. 27 (2024): Project and regulation
Research and Experimentation

Environmental quality between regulatory synthesis and project verification

Elisa Roncaccia
Scuola di Ateneo Architettura e Design, Università di Camerino
Roberta Cocci Grifoni
Scuola di Ateneo Architettura e Design, Università di Camerino
Maria Federica Ottone
Scuola di Ateneo Architettura e Design, Università di Camerino

Published 2024-06-10


  • Environmental criteria,
  • DNSH,
  • Housing quality,
  • Verification tool,
  • Synthesis

How to Cite

Roncaccia, E., Cocci Grifoni, R., & Ottone, M. F. (2024). Environmental quality between regulatory synthesis and project verification. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (27), 188–196.


Regulatory references governing design activities have gradually expanded, and national and EU regulations often overlap redundantly. This aspect is particularly evident in environmental obligations, where the Italian requirements about Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) have been supplemented by the constraints of the Do No Significant Harm principle (DNSH) introduced for all PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) measures. A process of rationalisation and synthesis has been conducted for the regulations to address their interpretational complexity, enabling the differentiation of overlaps and novel elements. The result is a tool to support designers, validating authorities and administrations responsible for measures. It is helpful in guiding design choices, monitoring compliance with different requirements and verifying environmental quality.


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  1. GU L 57/17 del 18.2.2021, Regolamento (UE) 2021/241 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 12 febbraio 2021. Available at: EUR-Lex - 32021R0241 - EN - EUR-Lex ( (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  2. GU L 442/1 del 9.12.2021, Regolamento delegato (UE) 2021/2139 della Commissione del 4 giugno 2021. Available at EUR-Lex - 32021R2139 - EN - EUR-Lex ( (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  3. GU L 198/13 del 22.6.2020, Regolamento (UE) 2020/852 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 18 giugno 2020. Available at EUR-Lex - 32020R0852 - EN - EUR-Lex ( (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  4. Ottone, M.F., Cocci Grifoni, R., D’Onofrio, R. and Petrucci, E. (2023), “Strategie di Co-design per la rigenerazione urbana. L’esempio del PINQuA formedellAbitare#inAscoli”, in T. Ferrante and F. Tucci (Eds.) BASES - Benessere Ambiente Sostenibilità Energia Salute. Programmare e progettare nella transizione, Franco Angeli, pp. 365-374.
  5. Circolare del 13 ottobre 2022, n. 33, Aggiornamento Guida operativa per il rispetto del principio di non arrecare danno significativo all’ambiente (cd. DNSH). Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  6. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica, Green Public Procurement - Criteri Ambientali Minimi. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  7. La certificazione LEED®. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  8. La certificazione GBC Italia. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  9. La certificazione ARCA. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  10. La certificazione BREEAM. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  11. La certificazione DGNB. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  12. La certificazione HQE. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  13. La certificazione SB Tool. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  14. La certificazione WELL. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).
  15. Protocollo ITACA. Available at: (Accessed on 04/12/2023).