No. 27 (2024): Project and regulation
Essays and Viewpoint

Digitalisation and regulation: the Employer’s Information Requirement as a quality control tool

Anna Maria Giovenale
Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto, Sapienza Università di Roma
Virginia Adele Tiburcio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Edile e Ambientale, Sapienza Università di Roma

Published 2024-06-10


  • Mandatory regulations,
  • Technical regulations,
  • Feasibility study,
  • Information modelling,
  • Employer’s Information Requirement

How to Cite

Giovenale, A. M., & Tiburcio, V. A. (2024). Digitalisation and regulation: the Employer’s Information Requirement as a quality control tool. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (27), 119–128.


In recent decades, the complexity arising from changes in the social, economic, technological and environmental context has led to an increase in regulations governing the design activity. The technological evolution of digitalisation has resulted in greater emphasis on the control of design and implementation quality, thus requiring the introduction of new tools and methods to manage the vast amount of information and data during the building processes. In this context, the Employer’s Information Requirement plays a crucial role as a procedural innovation. This article proposes guidelines for the Employer’s Information Requirement to support the client in defining specific requirements and to guide designers with regard to information management.


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