Technical planning, control and validation. Quality and effectiveness in public procurement action
Published 2024-06-10
- Project management skills,
- Technical process control,
- School buildings,
- Technical planning,
- Quality of the construction process
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carola Clemente, Anna Mangiatordi, Mariangela Zagaria

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This paper recounts the experience of the scientific collaboration agreement of the research group from DiAP, Sapienza University, Rome, with the municipality of Rome’s CSIMU (Coordination of Infrastructure Development and Urban Maintenance) Department to provide technical support in the phase of drawing up the DIP (Technical Project Brief) and of verifying and validating the PFTE (Technical and Economic Feasibility Design) within the Institutional Development Contract programme titled “CIS – Roma Scuole Verdi”. For its articulation of involved parties, complexity of the operative and regulatory framework, and size of interventions, CIS is considered a best practice of inter-institutional partnership and of capitalisation of technical know-how and skills aimed at achieving quality objectives in processes implementing strategic works.
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