TECHNE 3 (2012): Increasing the value of public building assets
Essays and Viewpoint

Building lease: a new financial opportunity for public infrastructures

TECHNE 3 (2012): Increasing the value of public building assets

Published 2012-04-30


  • Building lease,
  • Public private partnership

How to Cite

Norsa, A., & Trabucco, D. (2012). Building lease: a new financial opportunity for public infrastructures. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 3(1), 90–96.


The building lease is a new tool available to the government to finance public ‘cold’ infrastructures which allows to spread the investment over several years. Some major projects have recently been funded with this solution which can be used for both new works and for interventions on the existing buildings. The use of the building lease on existing assets (such as renovations or restorations), however, is still very rare, because of the need to «sale and lease back» the building concerned.


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