TECHNE 3 (2012): Increasing the value of public building assets
Research and Experimentation

Strategies for the regeneration of Social Housing. The «Diga» case, Genoa

TECHNE 3 (2012): Increasing the value of public building assets

Published 2012-04-30


  • Social housing,
  • Regeneration,
  • Enhancement,
  • Participation

How to Cite

Franco, G. (2012). Strategies for the regeneration of Social Housing. The «Diga» case, Genoa. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 3(1), 262–269.


The future redevelopment of the densely populated social housing complex, better known as «Diga di Begato», in Genoa, may constitute an important occasion for the wider process of enhancing the urban inland region. Recently, the Council of Genoa has promoted a study into the complex and the urban, territorial and social aspects that characterise it. The Author has been involved in the constructive and maintenance aspects of this complex. Observation of the relationship between technicians and administrators around the work table and during the concluding meeting has led to a better understanding of the situation that will be useful for the development of a shared strategy. This has been developed as a result of the many individual problems that have been identified but also in relation to present values.


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