TECHNE 9 (2015): Architecture for health and education
Research and Experimentation

School buildings and indoor air quality: diagnostic procedures and criteria for intervention

TECHNE 9 (2015): Architecture for health and education

Published 2015-04-24


  • School construction,
  • Indoor air quality,
  • Environmental rehabilitation

How to Cite

Lucarelli, M. T., & Pennestrì, D. (2015). School buildings and indoor air quality: diagnostic procedures and criteria for intervention. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (9), 299–306.


The research - referred in this report - comes from a doctoral thesis entitled Indoor air quality control. Intervention criteria for environmental and technological restoration of school buildings; research that has shown the actual relationship between the degradation of school buildings, the levels of indoor air pollution and the effects on the health of the occupants. This study path is subsequently directed to the analysis of unavoidable dependencies that exist between the aspects of the healthiness of the indoor air and the energy performance of buildings in order to provide, through the use of a diagnostic protocol, useful information for the definition of redevelopment interventions.


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