TECHNE: Special Series Vol. 1
Essays and Viewpoint

Hybrid Building as Social and Energy Hub for Smart Cities: Unitè 2.0, a Prototype

Luca Lanini
DESTeC_Università di Pisa
Eleona Barsanti
Toscana Energia
TECHNE: Special Series Vol. 1

Published 2018-04-09


  • Social housing,
  • Hybrid building,
  • Energy hub,
  • Social condenser

How to Cite

Lanini, L., & Barsanti, E. (2018). Hybrid Building as Social and Energy Hub for Smart Cities: Unitè 2.0, a Prototype. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (1), 49–55.


The purpose of the master degree project «Living in the time of crisis: Unitè d’habitation 2.0» designed by Eleonora Barsanti and tutored by Luca Lanini and Sergio Russo Ermolli aims to offer a possible definition for a new housing model based on concepts like affordability and social living, but above all of flexibility, adaptability, versatility, energetic sustainability and/or production: a prototype that can be placed in any context and adapted to meet specific needs as being a node in a smart city grid. In our opinion, this process would allow us to accomplish diversity within the same building, attaining a kind of chameleon like organism which is flexible, adaptable, versatile and an active energy hub.


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