TECHNE 18 (2019): Detailed Design
Research and Experimentation

Utilization of open-source game engines for the description of construction systems suited to self-building

Gian Luca Brunetti
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano, Italia

Published 2019-11-29


  • Self-building,
  • Game engines,
  • Open source,
  • 3D-modelling,
  • Blender

How to Cite

Brunetti, G. L. (2019). Utilization of open-source game engines for the description of construction systems suited to self-building. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (18), 226–234.

Funding data


This article explores the possibility of utilizing a game engine to support the description of construction solutions aimed to self-builders. The results of this experimentation strengthen the hypothesis that game engines would worth to be made a part of the arsenal of resources available to designers for supporting the description of designed objects. In the presented case study, the use of the game engine has allowed the creation of a software application giving users the ability to navigate interactively the construction procedures by choosing the pace of their exploration and their viewpoints during the work phases.


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