Just Accepted Manuscripts
Issue Description
Since n. 24/2022, TECHNE Journal provides for the possibility of making the articles in the immediately issue available after their acceptance through the double-blind review phase, by publishing them in the form of Just Accepted Article. This method, already practiced by numerous scientific journals, allows an additional and free service for the Authors as well as for the entire scientific community, as it significantly accelerates the dissemination of contributions (with a fully citable format-DOI-Digital Object Identifier) compared to the longer times of publication of the complete issue
To this end, after the explicit authorization of the Authors, the Editorial Board selects from among the articles accepted that in the double-blind review have not received any requests for major revisions and have mostly received ratings of excellent and good (thus 4 out of 6 ratings for the “Essays and Viewpoints” category and 5 out of 7 ratings for the “Research and Experimentation” category).
Just Accepted articles are published online 2-3 days after their acceptance, as received by the Author, in the form of PDF documents accompanied by HTML abstracts.
Each Just Accepted Article has a header, online publication date, article ID and Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and watermarks "Just Accepted Article" on each page. The DOI will also remain unchanged for the final article published in the final issue.
Not being in the final version, the Just Accepted articles are removed from the FUP-TECHNE Journals website at the time of the online publication of the definitive article.
After being published as Just Accepted, the article follows the normal production process (editorial revision, proofreading of the English language, layout, revision of the layout draft, online publication, revision before printing of the issue).
Further information can be found at this link: https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/techne/about