Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019)

Spiralling whitefly and its management practices in the South Pacific. A review

Ravneel Chand
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment; The University of the South Pacific, Suva
Anjeela Jokhan
School of Science and Technology, The University of Fiji
Railoa Kelera
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment; The University of the South Pacific, Suva

Published 2018-09-07


  • abundance,
  • Aleurodicus dispersus Russell,
  • management,
  • South Pacific

How to Cite

Chand, R., Jokhan, A., & Kelera, R. (2018). Spiralling whitefly and its management practices in the South Pacific. A review. Advances in Horticultural Science, 33(1), 123–131. https://doi.org/10.13128/ahs-22952


A few species of whiteflies are considered a serious insect pest of vegetation and ornamental plants across many countries. The Spiralling whiteflies, Aleurodicus dispersus Russell has been recorded on many different plant species across countries. These whiteflies feed exclusively on leaves and have the ability to spread plant diseases. A great deal of research has been done on whiteflies in relation to which control methods would be most effective in pest management. The management of Spiralling whitefly in the South Pacific is heavily reliant on biological control (using the parasitic wasps, predators, and entomopathogenic fungi). Other control methods include physical, botanical, and chemical to keep the whitefly population at lower levels. In this paper, an overview of Spiralling whiteflies and its management practices in the South Pacific will be reviewed.


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