Vol. 11 No. 21 (2021): Il paradigma dell'informale nel capitalismo contemporaneo
Open Essays and Researches

“Non abito a Maregrosso”: stigmatizzazione territoriale in una baraccopoli post terremoto

Monica Musolino
Università di Messina

Published 2021-11-30


  • Messina,
  • territorial segregation,
  • social stigma,
  • slums

How to Cite

Musolino, M. (2021). “Non abito a Maregrosso”: stigmatizzazione territoriale in una baraccopoli post terremoto. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 11(21), 135–148. https://doi.org/10.13128/cambio-10568


The paper proposes the analysis of a socio-spatial segregation process of a post-earthquake slum in the city of Messina (Southern Italy). We will focus on the analysis of the dynamics related to territorial stigmatization in relation to the specific characteristics of the urban structure of Messina. The field research was carried out in two phases (2014/2016 and 2017/2018) and used a qualitative approach, moving in the context of two urban regeneration interventions. The research revealed those characteristics of the territorial stigma that seem to be present in very different societies and contexts. In particular, escape trajectories affirm themselves as the only certain ways of escaping from stigma and spatial confinement. We recorded also the peculiarities of the Messina case. In fact, the process of socio-spatial marginalization and segregation observable in this slum is linked to the structuring of urban space that have their own specific characteristics.


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