Vol. 2 No. 4 (2012)
Processi di integrazione e coesione sociale in Europa

Europa senza miti

Published 2016-11-23


  • Identity,
  • Europe,
  • Myth,
  • Mythology

How to Cite

Cerutti, F. (2016). Europa senza miti. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 2(4), 87–95. https://doi.org/10.13128/cambio-19436


This article’s primary aim is to target (§2) a new terminological fashion in European studies, which tends to extol the alleged role of myths in the narrative about the European Union. This operation however requires first to provide a sketch (§1) of the scenario of issues and problems in which the confusion concerning myths was allowed to come up, and also to mention the real questions contained or rather concealed in the discourse on myth.