Original Articles - Appraisal and rural economics
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- Elena Fregonara, Diana Rolando, Patrizia Semeraro, Marta Vella, The impact of Energy Performance Certificate level on house listing prices. First evidence from Italian real estate , Aestimum: Aestimum 65 (2014)
- Elena Fregonara, A life cycle perspective for infrastructure management , Aestimum: 2020: Special Issue "Sustainable development and circular economy"
- Elena Fregonara, Irene Rubino, Buildings’ energy performance, green attributes and real estate prices: methodological perspectives from the European literature , Aestimum: Vol. 79 (2021)
- Elena Fregonara, Diana Rolando, Patrizia Semeraro, The value spatial component in the Real Estate Market: the Turin case study , Aestimum: Aestimum 60 (2012)
- Elena Fregonara, Estimo e Project Management: l’orientamento disciplinare italiano , Aestimum: Aestimum 59 (2011)
- Elena Fregonara, Il Risk Management nei progetti di investimento attraverso la Multi Criteria Decision Analysis , Aestimum: Aestimum 54 (2009)