Bio-districts and the territory: evidence from a regression approach Chiara Mazzocchi, Luigi Orsi, Carlotta Bergamelli, Alberto Sturla 5-23 PDF DOI:
The hidden value of non-timber forest products: income contribution of the Basilicata wild truffle Mauro Viccaro, Severino Romano, Adele Coppola, Gerardo Vaccaro, Francesco Riccioli, Mario Cozzi 25-42 PDF DOI:
Buildings’ energy performance, green attributes and real estate prices: methodological perspectives from the European literature Elena Fregonara, Irene Rubino 43-73 PDF DOI:
Assessing the perception of urban visual quality: an approach integrating big data and geostatistical techniques Veronica Alampi Sottini, Elena Barbierato, Irene Capecchi, Tommaso Borghini, Claudio Saragosa 75-102 PDF DOI: