Vol. 22 No. 1 (2022): Educational conditions and inclusion processes

Prevent and counter bullying and cyberbullying through the SEP device: sensitize, educate, protect. Results of an investigation

Published 2022-04-30


  • bullying,
  • cyberbullying,
  • inclusion,
  • SEP device,
  • whole-education approach,
  • bullismo,
  • cyberbullismo,
  • inclusione,
  • dispositivo SEP,
  • approccio globale
  • ...More

How to Cite

Perla, L., Amati, I., & Palermo, R. (2022). Prevent and counter bullying and cyberbullying through the SEP device: sensitize, educate, protect. Results of an investigation. Form@re - Open Journal Per La Formazione in Rete, 22(1), 152–168. https://doi.org/10.36253/form-12601


This paper focuses on an investigation into the complex phenomenology of bullying and cyberbullying behaviour, focusing actions of contrast and treatment within a preventive perspective of inclusive education capable of designing multi-level strategies. The paper presents the results of a collaborative research-training project with a network of Apulian secondary schools and the consequent design of the educational device for the prevention and treatment of the phenomenon (the SEP device: sensitise, educate, protect) useful for dealing with the phenomena from a pedagogical point of view. The device allows to develop an observational and receptive posture concerning the behavioural prodromes and to accept the complexity of the phenomena adopting multiple-levels educational choices.


Prevenire e contrastare bullismo e cyberbullismo attraverso il dispositivo SEP: sensibilizzare, educare, proteggere. Risultanze di un’indagine.

Il presente contributo mette a tema un’indagine sulla complessa fenomenologia dei comportamenti di bullismo e cyberbullismo, focalizzando le azioni di contrasto e di cura entro una prospettiva preventiva di didattica dell’inclusione in grado di progettare strategie a più livelli. Nel contributo si presentano le risultanze di una ricerca-formazione collaborativa avviata con una rete di scuole secondarie di I e II grado pugliesi e la conseguente progettazione del dispositivo di educazione alla prevenzione e cura del fenomeno (il dispositivo SEP: sensibilizzare, educare, proteggere) utile a fronteggiare i fenomeni in chiave pedagogica. Il dispositivo consente di assumere una postura osservativa e ricettiva dei prodromi comportamentali e di accogliere la complessità dei fenomeni adottando scelte educative a più livelli articolate in un approccio adattivo inclusivo costruito sul contesto e rivolto all’intero gruppo e non solo alla diade bullo-vittima.

These are articulated in an inclusive adaptive approach built on the context and aimed at the entire group and not just on the bully-victim dyad. The concept of inclusion, indeed, is closely linked to education to “active citizenship”, understood as responsible participation in building a civil society and requires action that involves the entire school community and families.


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