V. 87 N. 1 (2024)

When a woman asks to be voted to a sexist constituency: was Giorgia Meloni’s gender an advantage, a disadvantage or an irrelevant factor in the 2022 Italian general election?

Nicoletta Cavazza
Department of Communication and Economics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Michele Roccato
Department of Psychology, University of Turin

Pubblicato 2024-01-01

Parole chiave

  • Gender,
  • Gender beliefs,
  • General election,
  • Vote choice

Come citare

Cavazza, N., & Roccato, M. (2024). When a woman asks to be voted to a sexist constituency: was Giorgia Meloni’s gender an advantage, a disadvantage or an irrelevant factor in the 2022 Italian general election?. Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 87(1). https://doi.org/10.36253/qoe-14090


In this study, we investigated whether Giorgia Meloni’s gender was an advantage, a disadvantage or an irrelevant factor in the 2022 Italian general election. Using datasets from two election surveys conducted with two quota samples of the adult Italian population, Ns = 1,572 (ITANES dataset) and 1,150 (COCO dataset), we predicted the vote in the election as a function of participants’ gender, beliefs about gender and their interaction, controlling for the key sociodemographic and political variables. Two multinomial logistic regression revealed that gender and beliefs about gender were neither additively nor multiplicatively associated with the vote. We therefore conclude that Meloni’s gender did not affect the outcome of the 2022 Italian general election.

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