Right-wing victory in the 2022 italian parliamentary election: territorial patterns and systemic implications
Pubblicato 2023-07-02
Parole chiave
- General Elections,
- Italian Politics,
- Fratelli d’Italia,
- Voting Patterns
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sofia Marini, Gianluca Piccolino

TQuesto lavoro è fornito con la licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione 4.0 Internazionale.
The snap election held in September 2022 saw the victory of the right-wing coalition, with a remarkable performance of the populist radical right party Fratelli d’Italia and its leader, Giorgia Meloni, who has become the first female Prime Minister of the country. Another unprecedented element concerns participation, which was the lowest in post-war Italy for a national election. Throughout this article, we first shed light on the background of this election, by highlighting how the specificities of the electoral system and previous developments during the last legislature affected the alliances among of political parties. We then proceed to the illustration of the results, with a territorial analysis of participation figures, vote share and competitiveness of electoral constituencies. Finally, we assess the implications of this election for the institutionalization of the party system. What emerges is a picture of growing abstention, disproportionality, fragmentation and electoral volatility, which suggests an overall consolidation of instability.
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