V. 69 N. 1 (2013)

Le elezioni amministrative in provincia di Latina: dal difficile radicamento dei partiti di massa all'egemonia democristiana (1946-1956)

Anna Laura Sanfilippo
Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Pubblicato 2013-06-30

Come citare

Sanfilippo, A. L. (2013). Le elezioni amministrative in provincia di Latina: dal difficile radicamento dei partiti di massa all’egemonia democristiana (1946-1956). Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 69(1), 35–62. https://doi.org/10.36253/qoe-9512


This essay deals with the development of the mass Parties in Latina District through the results of the local elections of 1946, 1951 and 1956. The struggle between the farmers of Monti Lepini, penalized by the Drainage and the Northern settlers that took root into Agro Pontino is an important issue to understand the rooting of the parties in this area. From the first beginning of the district freedom this was a difficult aim to reach: the weakness of the Christian Democracy Party in 1946, contrary to the national situation, was pushed by the inability of the local district authorities to settle down the struggles between farmers and settles; on the other side there was the problem of the local Communist Party to create the "new party" of Togliatti due to the missing struggle for the territory freedom. 

The essay tries to find out the used strategies of the Christian Democracy Party to realize a powerful "consent machine" that had the aim of allowing it to become the strongest party of the district in 1956. At the same time, the Communist Party slowly failed due to its problems in creating the "new Party". 

This is an important trace of local electoral history stressing an often contrasting situation if compared to the national context.