Municipal Elections in Italian Regional Capitals: a Retrospective View

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The municipal elections held in October 2021 in many Italian municipalities, among which some of the most important Italian cities, inspired this new Virtual Special Issue. 

In this Virtual Special Issue QOE-IJES suggests to readers a collection of articles published in its historical archive investigating the municipal elections in Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples, and Bologna.

These regional capitals attracted most of the interest during the 2021 electoral campaign. For these reasons, it is particularly interesting to look back at the scientific articles presented below, which present empirical analyses concerning previous municipal votes in these crucial cities.

Two separate contributions are dedicated to Naples, one by Amoretti and Musella (comparing the 1993 and the 2011 elections), one by Fruncillo and Gentilini (covering the years 1993-2016).
Milan is covered by the article by Vignati and his overview 1993-2016; while Regalia and Valbruzzi analyze 20-years of direct municipal elections in Bologna since the 1990s. 

Cataldi, Emanuele, and Paparo look comparatively at the 2011 electoral shifts in Turin, alongside Milan and Naples; while De Mucci presents an analysis of Roman neighborhoods in terms of voter turnout in the 80s.

Furthemore, Papetti looks at the functioning of the recent legislative changes aiming at increasing female representation in municipal councils.




Da Formentini a Sala. L’elezione diretta del sindaco a Milano (1993-2016)

Rinaldo Vignati



Vent’anni di elezione diretta del sindaco a Bologna

Marta Regalia, Renato Valbruzzi



Napoli 1993-2016. Da Bassolino a De Magistris: solo andata?

Domenico Fruncillo, Michelangelo Gentilini



La parità di genere “assistita”. La legge 215/2012 e la legge Delrio alla prova delle elezioni comunali del 2014

Paola Papetti



Politica senza partiti? Il voto per Bassolino e De Magistris a confronto

Francesco Amoretti, Fortunato Musella



Elettori in movimento nelle comunali 2011 a Milano, Torino e Napoli

Matteo Cataldi, Vincenzo Emanuele, Aldo Paparo



La partecipazione elettorale nei quartieri urbani. Il caso di Roma

Raffaele De Mucci



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