No. 2 (2023)

«Restaurare modernamente». Interventi settecenteschi all’Oratorio di San Sebastiano del complesso monumentale della SS. Annunziata di Firenze attraverso i documenti dell’Archivio privato della famiglia

Maddalena Branchi
università degli studi di firenze

Published 2024-01-15


  • Restoration,
  • ss.annunziata complex,
  • pucci family,
  • s.sebastiano oratory

How to Cite

Branchi, M. (2024). «Restaurare modernamente». Interventi settecenteschi all’Oratorio di San Sebastiano del complesso monumentale della SS. Annunziata di Firenze attraverso i documenti dell’Archivio privato della famiglia. Restauro Archeologico, (2), 62–75.


This contribution recounts the eighteenth-century restoration interventions relating to the oratory dedicated to San Sebastiano, belonging to the monumental complex of the SS. Annunziata of Florence and historically under the patronage of the Pucci family. In order to reconstruct the historical events of the oratory, some unpublished documents relating to the historical restoration and maintenance interventions of the eighteenth century will be examined. Preserved mainly in the private archive of the Pucci family, the documents are materials of great importance for the study of the constructive events of the Oratory, but also as evidence of the cultural evolution of the relationship with the ancient and reflections on the concepts of restoration and conservation.


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