Vol. 25 No. 2 (2024): n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2024
Genitorialità responsiva in contesti di fragilità sociale

Identità in evoluzione. Dinamiche familiari tra madri migranti e figlie, fra mantenimento delle tradizioni e fattori di cambiamento

Tiziana Chiappelli
Università di Firenze

Published 2024-12-24


  • mothers and daughters in migratory contexts,
  • intergenerational relations,
  • responsive parenting,
  • intercultural conflicts,
  • gender and intersectionality

How to Cite

Chiappelli, T. (2024). Identità in evoluzione. Dinamiche familiari tra madri migranti e figlie, fra mantenimento delle tradizioni e fattori di cambiamento. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 25(2), 65–78. https://doi.org/10.36253/rief-16513


The article addresses some relational dynamics between girls with a migration background and their mothers, focusing on daughters’ point of view. Through an analysis of intergenerational relations, the challenges and opportunities of trying to balance the expectations of the cultures of origin and the personal aspirations of the young girls are examined. Focus groups and interviews reveal difficulties related to cultural factors and generational conflicts, but also an awareness of the importance of responsive parenting for open dialogue and mutual growth. Daughters’ contribution is central, as it offers a unique perspective on the negotiation of cultural identity and the socio-cultural integration processes of families.