n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2019

I nonni oggi, tra stili e declinazioni educative. Un contributo empirico

Published 2019-07-14


  • grandparents,
  • family,
  • grandchildren,
  • education

How to Cite

Caggiano, V., & Caliciotti, V. (2019). I nonni oggi, tra stili e declinazioni educative. Un contributo empirico. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 14(1), 175–189. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-25737


The paper aims at stimulating pedagogical reflections on the relationship between grandfathers and grandsons. Following the changes due to the lengthening of life, social transformations, to the nuclearization of the family, and the changes in working, which affect parenting, grandparents return to be considered “human capital”: providers of services and tangible and intangible works, in formal and non-formal contexts, in favor of the social community, with a strong reference to inter-generational ties, including grandchildren’s care and education. The paper also includes the epistemological analysis and empirical outcomes of the exploratory research conducted. From the conclusions, multiple pedagogical declinations arise; however, a common trait emerges: that between grandparents and grandchildren proves to be, in any case, a “special” relationship.


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