n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2013

Essere nonni: una presenza di cura

Published 2014-03-21

How to Cite

Iozzelli, S. (2014). Essere nonni: una presenza di cura. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 8(2), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-14203


The article describes the affectionate virtues of the family bonds involving grandparents. Today, regardless of the different directions that individual lives can take, grandparents are grouped together by a single sentiment: a great joy, a growing enthusiasm that leads them towards a generous and unconditional closeness to their grandchildren. Grandparents are a very significant presence in the first phase of childhood, precisely due to their willingness and commitment to be a firm and reliable point of reference for the new family, as the event of a child’s birth requires and seeks attention and support from the family network. The article then goes on to examine the relationship dynamics between parents and grandparents. Complex in their own way, they need to be dealt with consciously and within the harmony of positive feelings, for the sake of the children’s good upbringing. The last reflection is dedicated to immigrant families in educational contexts, showing that the vicinity and solidarity that can be provided by the school community is a highly valuable resource for these families.