n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2014

Come un colpo in buca sul green: i vissuti delle famiglie di bambini disabili dalla diagnosi al loro ingresso nella scuola dell’infanzia

Published 2015-02-04

How to Cite

Zappella, E. (2015). Come un colpo in buca sul green: i vissuti delle famiglie di bambini disabili dalla diagnosi al loro ingresso nella scuola dell’infanzia. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 9(2), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-15449


This research investigates the experience of twenty pairs of parents from the moment in which it was communicated to them the news of their son’s disability to the entrance into the world of nursery school. The experiences were collected through in-depth interview and analyzed using a phenomenological approach aims to give back as much as possible, the point of view of the participants. The results were again discussed with families during a focus group that allowed for a greater sharing of experiences. The results show the presence of three major nodes that are common to the different feelings: the difficulty in understanding “what is wrong with their child”; the effort that distinguishes the comparison with the normality of the other children and the doubt that calls into question whether only children with disability have special needs.


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