n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2018

Conflitto di coppia, reazioni amplificate e determinazioni interne cronicizzate

Giombattista Amenta
Università degli Studi “Kore” di Enna

Published 2018-12-29


  • conflict,
  • couple,
  • aggressive behavior,
  • overreactions

How to Cite

Amenta, G. (2018). Conflitto di coppia, reazioni amplificate e determinazioni interne cronicizzate. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 13(2), 153–174. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-24491


Considering that it is ingenuous to imagine eliminating anger, fury and aggressive behavior, which are in any case important components of hereditary repertoire of the humankind, in managing couple’s conflicts it is preferable to focus on accentuations and amplifications and intervene to restore congruence. Borrowing the model of the life script from Transactional Analysis, this paper explores the relationships between over-sized reactions and internalized dispositions. The working hypothesis is that specific determinations originally taken to deal with stressful and traumatizing situations, once they internalized and became chronic, can influence the decoding of reality, for example by altering an/or amplifying the sensation of threat, as well as intensifying consequent defensive plans. In essence, numerous exaggerations and incongruities arebased on particular interpretations of the partner’s messages, which are wrongly amplified and/or distorted because they are deciphered as pressing invitations to implement orders and/or internal prescriptions.