n° 2 luglio-dicembre 2018

Relazioni di genere, educazione della prima infanzia e cambiamenti sociopolitici in Brasile: contributi per uno stato dell’arte

Tassio José da Silva 
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus di Rio Claro, Brasile
Peterson Rigato da Silva
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus di Rio Claro, Brasile
Daniela Finco
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brasile
Ana Lúcia Goulart de Faria
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasile

Published 2018-12-29


  • Early Childhood,
  • feminist movements,
  • geneder relationships,
  • Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) for the age group 0-6,
  • ECEC services 0-3

How to Cite

da Silva , T. J., da Silva, P. R., Finco, D., & de Faria, A. L. G. (2018). Relazioni di genere, educazione della prima infanzia e cambiamenti sociopolitici in Brasile: contributi per uno stato dell’arte. Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 13(2), 209–230. https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-24494


With the aim of updating an essay published in 2006 (Faria), this text brings together recent research on gender relations and small childhood created until 2016 – and so far scattered in various publishing sites – in the area of child education, analyzing the relations of power established within ECEC 0-3 and ECEC 3-6 preschool services in Brazil. This research also analyzes these relationships of power between small and small children from 0 to 6 years, and between them and educators (predominantly females). The paper highlights the centrality of children, as “builders” of reality, in the production of child cultures. In this process, the feminist struggle is considered to be primarily responsible for the social changes in the management of daily time and, together with gender studies, for the struggle for emancipatory pedagogy and for a non-sexist education from birth.