Published 2023-05-30
- LCZ-local Climate Zone,
- adaptation and mitigation,
- climate change,
- historic city,
- Rome
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gaia Turchetti

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Technological upgrading in recent decades has allowed, at the urban level, the definition of new tools to address issues related to climate change. The research focuses on methodologies and technologies that are useful for the definition of new morphometric classifications (RLCZ, Rome Local Climate Zone) and the consequent construction of specific parametric models for the fabric of the historic city, starting from the case study on the city of Rome. This is to support an informed design-making process that is compatible with the peculiarities of complex fabrics. The proposed methodology and tools, which can be tested on similar scenarios or recalibrated for different realities, can provide an additional piece of knowledge, integrated with ongoing international experiments.
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