Climate proofing of the urban environment between process and design: a holistic and participatory methodology
Published 2024-06-10
- Climate change,
- Resilience,
- Climate Adaptation,
- Stakeholder Engagement,
- Citizen Empowerment
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fabrizio Tucci, Serena Baiani, Gaia Turchetti, Paola Altamura

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Defining procedural processes to support the involvement and empowerment of citizens, the main target of climate change, in order to integrate them into the holistic process of adaptation to extreme events is nowadays an extremely topical issue. Research is working towards the progressive standardisation of this process. The paper focuses on the outcomes of research on integrating the participatory approach into a methodology for climate proofing of the urban environment. The research results are include directions for increasing resilience through a cyclic step-by-step process for planning, prevention and management of the effects of disasters, centred on the involvement of different stakeholders, as well as the outcomes of the experimentation of such a process on three public housing (ERP) neighbourhoods in Rome.
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