Evaluation criteria for a systemic approach to flood risk management: stakeholders’ perspectives
Published 2024-10-29
- flood risk management,
- system approach,
- multi-criteria,
- Built environment,
- multi-scalar
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Copyright (c) 2024 Francesca Vanelli, Monica Lavagna, Paul Minifie

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Horizon 2020
Grant numbers 101034328
Flood risk management authorities rely on structural engineering measures centralised at the spatial and governance levels. These are mainly evaluated based on damage reduction without considering social, economic and environmental criteria. The research proposes an evaluative and procedural methodology to support the choice of spatially distributed measures. After illustrating the research project and the applied methodology, the paper focuses on the first methodological step, which involves identifying multi-scalar and multidisciplinary evaluative criteria through a systematic literature review and interviews. The paper concludes by presenting the criteria, reflecting on the topic and the subsequent developments of the research.
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