TECHNE 1 (2011): Beyond the crisis
Essays and Viewpoint

Architectural technology for environmental design

TECHNE 1 (2011): Beyond the crisis

Published 2011-04-19


  • Environmental Design,
  • Environmental Governance,
  • Process Design,
  • Metadesign

How to Cite

Schiaffonati, F., Mussinelli, E., & Gambaro, M. (2011). Architectural technology for environmental design. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 1(1), 48–53.


The scientific field of «Architectural Technology» has long incorporated the discipline of «Environmental Design», by giving explicit visibility to already present embedded in its foundation. They represented a significant challenge and opened the path to a real restructuring of the Architecture Schools; it is further pursuing the path traced by figures such as Eduardo Vittoria, Marco Zanuso and Pierluigi Spadolini, who pointed out a precise understanding of the habitat, which is not limited to physical and formal aspects, revealing immaterial influences on the project that aim to environmen- tal and social-economical sustainability, preluding environmental governance.
