TECHNE 4 (2012): Social housing
Research and Experimentation

Housing and residences for university students. The experience of the programme 338/2000

TECHNE 4 (2012): Social housing

Published 2012-10-28


  • Housing and Residences for University Students,
  • Temporary home,
  • Law 338/2000,
  • Public investments

How to Cite

Baratta, A. F. L., & Carlini, S. (2012). Housing and residences for university students. The experience of the programme 338/2000. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (4), 262–270.


The topic of «Social Housing» encapsulates aspects of building production aimed at meeting a housing need referred to different categories of users such as young people, and specifically university students. Since 2002 the topic of the university residence has been explored, on behalf of MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) and as part of the application of Law 338/2000, in a variety of possible forms (regulatory, procedural, design, construction and managerial): the result is a contribution to the management of the implementation process that has made it possible, with the help of specific tools, to assess the actual effectiveness of the programme introduced by the law and the relationship between the expected quality and that actually achieved, also based on the resources used.


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