TECHNE 7 (2014): Architectural technologies research and development
Research and Experimentation

AA_AccessibleArchaeology. Environmental accessibility as a key to enhance cultural heritage

TECHNE 7 (2014): Architectural technologies research and development

Published 2014-05-21


  • Environmental Accessibility,
  • Design for All,
  • Information&comunication

How to Cite

Conti, C., & Garofolo, I. (2014). AA_AccessibleArchaeology. Environmental accessibility as a key to enhance cultural heritage. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (7), 140–148.


AA_ArcheologiaAccessibile is the title of a research developed at the University of Udine and University of Trieste in the field of inclusive design and Design for All for the accessibility to cultural heritage. This survey, the results of which are reported in this article, is part of a broader program for the development of inclusion carried out at Universities, implemented with the participation of several institutions including the Regional Council of Associations of People with Disabilities and Their Families FVG and the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape FVG. In particular, the paper presents the experience developed at the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia aimed at transforming the traditional paths of knowledge of the findings in multisensory educational and pedagogical experiences, involving all visitors regardless of age, cultural background and physical and sense-perception abilities.
