TECHNE 7 (2014): Architectural technologies research and development
Research and Experimentation

Architectural integration of technologies from renewable sources: relationships with perceptual factors and guidance for operational guidelines

TECHNE 7 (2014): Architectural technologies research and development

Published 2014-05-21


  • Perceptual factors,
  • Technologies from renewable sources

How to Cite

Giallocosta, G., & Piccardo, C. (2014). Architectural integration of technologies from renewable sources: relationships with perceptual factors and guidance for operational guidelines. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (7), 165–170.


There is a growing awareness, even in the regulatory and procedural spheres, concerning "perceived quality" matters, in the face of changes and transformations in architectural and territorial project. Not always, however, the results obtained so far appear to be appreciably satisfactory, especially regarding "mature" assumptions of perceptual factors in architecture, and consequently, the results that emerge in practice. In this sense, recently conducted research extends the field of the criteria adopted up to now. Therefore the tendencies of guidelines able to optimize "perceptual" aspects, pertaining to the architectural and landscape integration of technologies from renewable energy sources (a case in point, and with a strong social relevance), start taking shape.


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